Homeowners in Litchfield are invited to register for the city-wide yard sale.
The Litchfield Community Yard Sale is held at homes throughout Litchfield. This is a rain or shine event! Individuals interested in participating donate $5 to be placed on the map. This map will be distributed at local businesses throughout Litchfield. The map will contain the location of each sale along with a brief description of the items to be sold and the hours of each individual sale. Deadline to register your sale July 27st, 2018. To register please e-mail litchfieldyardsale@outlook.com. Last year, a donation of almost $200 towards the LCUSD #12 lunch program was made with the registration fees!
Fee: $5 per participating household
For more information please contact: Misty Reed: 217-710-9102 or Tyffani Bradburn 217-652-6621 or e-mail litchfieldyardsale@outlook.com.
Please visit the Facebook page to keep up with the latest information: https://www.facebook.com/litchfieldcommunityyardsale/
Aug 3, 2018 - Aug 4, 2018
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Litchfield, IL 62056
Get Directions
Free to attend or $5 per household
Need more information
Email: tourism@cityoflitchfieldil.com
Phone: Misty Reed: 217-710-9102 or Tyffani Bradburn: 217-652-6621
Website: https://www.facebook.com/litchfieldcommunityyardsale/
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